Want to sneak a “peek” at our preK-2nd grade lessons?
Here's a description of just 6 lessons for grades preK-2 Biodiversity PEEK STEAM. The full project based learning curriculum consists of 22 complete lesson plans and 5 citizen science projects for kids. That’s enough for a full semester of weekly STEAM activities, and so many interdisciplinary extension activities that you can use it as a base curriculum for an entire year!
Just Add Water
Keystone Class Project
What happens to the abundance and variety of local wildlife when students design, build, test, assess, and improve re-purposed water features?
Using Your Common Senses
This lesson primes the pump for students to consider the big concept of how animals and plants get food to survive, grow, and raise young. Your kids use their guided nature journal to observe and record the different smells they detect outside and the different tastes found in edible plants. They draw pictures and use words sprouting from a word garden to help.
Forest Surprise
A true tale from Ecuador
This short story gives your kids a real world Biodiversity PEEK example of how important their own citizen-science work can be for science and their local community. As the young Ariana discovers her favorite forest critter eating another, unexpected animal, your students discover the different ways animals get food. The story’s discussion questions help your students use the process of evidence-based, science inquiry.
From Creepy to Cool
Your students meet Camella, a real Biodiversity PEEK student on the Caribbean island of Barbuda, and her teacher who helps her overcome a big fear by looking closer at a mysterious and misunderstood creature. Her research reveals facts that show the ground dweller’s true nature and place in the ecosystem. With interactive discussion questions your kids are introduced to the concept that plants and animals DO things that change their environment and help them live there.
Ancient Data Collection & Art
This funny-sounding, fun and surprisingly simple, mess-free, printmaking lesson can be used in all sorts of STEAMy ways. Your students learn the ancient craft of relief printing from textured surfaces. In the process, they count, measure and explore the different types of leaves, tree bark, rocks, and more that they find outside.
Patterns & Trash
From Nature to Art
Our gorgeous slide show extends your students’ understanding of patterns found in data to patterns found in nature and used in art. Once inspired, your kids use an open-ended process with endless solutions to design and construct a pattern-rich mosaic made from their own collected and sorted plastic “trash”. Your students have fun and feel good about helping the planet be healthier through up-cycling!